Marriage and Family Therapist Licensure

Marriage and Family Therapists (MFT) are mental health specialists who treat and diagnose a host of disorders related to psychotherapy and mental health. For this reason MFTs are held to strict licensure requirements, which include at least a master’s level education in the field or related field as well as a period of supervised clinical practice. Licensure requirements vary by state, though many are similar having modeled their requirements after the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy recommendations.

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Click Here to find MFT License requirements in your state.

Your state licensing board may provide comprehensive information for licensure of Marriage and Family Therapists, however, it may be buried quite deep in the website. Sorting through the licensing department websites can be quite frustrating and overwhelming for those seeking licensure information or general information about becoming a Marriage and Family Therapist in their state. has simplified the process by providing direct navigation to critical MFT licensure information on your state’s licensing authority website. This is a much more efficient and user friendly way to find MFT licensure information for your state as well as for those who would like to learn more about becoming a Marriage and Family Therapist.

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